Welcome to our Community

Community Celebrations

Over the years our community has developed an annual rhythm of events and celebrations that supports our work and growth. You are invited to join us at any of these events. Some take place in our Gurdwara, others in members’ homes, or the Ashram Community Center. There’s always a place for you!

January: New Year’s Eve and Guru Gobind Singh’s birth
April: Baisakhi – the birth of the Khalsa
May: Memorial Day Picnic
June: Summer Solstice
October: Guru Ram Das’s birth
November: Guru Nanak’s birth, Guru Gaddi Day, and the annual Ashram Family Thanksgiving
December: Winter Solstice

Ashram Mission & Vision

As Ashram community members, we have agreed to work, play, and grow together following a shared vision & mission. In 2004 the Guru Ram Das Ashram approved both a Mission and a Vision Statement. Our Mission Statement tells us the fundamental purpose and objectives of our organization. Its prime function is internal – to define the key measures of our success. It defines who we serve and the critical processes.

Vision Statements also define purpose, but do so in terms of values and guiding beliefs about how things should be done. Our Vision Statement communicates the purpose and values of the Guru Ram Das Ashram. It outlines what we want to be, and how we want the world in which we operate to be. It concentrates on the future and is a source of inspiration. It provides clear, decision-making criteria.

For our employees, our Mission and Vision give direction about how they are expected to conduct their work and inspire them to give their best. For our members, they identify our direction, and the source of our community and shared experience. For guests and visitors, our Mission and Vision shape their understanding of why they want to be a part of the Ashram and what they will find among us.

Our Mission

Guru Ram Das Ashram is a spiritual community, a teaching and healing center, and a place of spiritual practice and meditation. Our community acknowledges the grace and dignity of every soul. We are dedicated to uplifting individuals and to bringing reverence to life through the practice of a lifestyle rooted in yogic principles and the core values of Sikh Dharma.

Our Vision Statement

• Guru Ram Das Ashram, like the Golden Temple, is open to all who come to be uplifted.

• It is our aim to manifest the miracle of a community that is unified and sustained through spiritual practice, kindness, compassion, grace, and nobility.

• We seek to uplift with word, action and contact those who come to Guru Ram Das Ashram.

• We seek to keep sacred the ground on which this ashram has been founded, and to steward this property so that it reflects the life and light of Guru Ram Das.

Help stock Guru Nanak’s Community Kitchen

Contact Us

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How can we help?